Sit, Stay

Why do animals act out?
The short answer is for a number of different reasons. Sometimes it’s because they weren’t trained properly. Other times it’s a way to get attention. In other cases, an underlying medical condition may be the culprit. Whatever the reason, unwanted behavior can make it difficult for your pet and your family. If you’re having issues with bad pet behavior, you’re not alone and we can help!
The team at General Booth Veterinary Hospital is trained and experienced in understanding animal behavior. We’ll get to the bottom of why your pet is acting out and we’ll help to develop and implement a plan for addressing and overcoming that behavior problem once and for all.

Our team is available to evaluate your pet’s unique situation, ruling out any possible medical causes, and pinpointing the precise reason why a particular behavior may be present. We can then offer information, advice, and resources that will assist you in working with your pet to eliminate the unwanted behavior, effectively and permanently. Whether you’re dealing with a house-training issue or something more complex, like aggression or separation anxiety, we’ll work with you to restore a positive, peaceful relationship with your pet.