Make Your Visit Less Stressful
1- Stay Calm
your pet can sense your anxiety which can, in turn, make your pet more anxious.
2 - Get Your Pet Used to Handling
Start while they're young if you can! Acclimate your pet to being touched and handled. Since your veterinarian will be handling your pet, try to get your pet accustomed to being touched.
3 - Choose the Right Carrier
This is for cats mostly unless you plan to transport your dog via carrier instead of a leash. It should be big enough to fit both your cat and their bedding. Hard carriers are best: they're sturdy and stable. Two doors, one on the front and one on the top, will make it easier for the vet and techs to access your cat.
4 - Get Your Pets Used to the Car
Might be easier for your dogs! you don't want your pet associating the car with a vet visit.
5 - Make an Appointment
Whenever possible try to schedule an appointment with the vet on a day and time when there's the least amount of traffic in the office. Otherwise, talk to us to find out which hours are generally the least busy.
6 - Pack a Toy and a Security Blanket
Anything that smells familiar could help ease your pet's fears
7 - Be Prepared for the Visit
Last-minute running around could stress your pet even more.
8 - Communicate
If you have an extremely anxious pet, give us a call well in advance of your appointment; we may have other advice we can give you